2. Grammar - Possessive determiners

📝 Rule:

Possessive determiners tell you, who something belongs to. There is a noun behind the possessive determiner.
Possesivpronomen zeigen an, wem etwas gehört. Nach einem Possesivpronomen steht ein Substantiv.

💡 Form:

personal pronoun possessive determiner German in context notes
I I my mein My name is Joyce. Write something that helps you to learn.

you your dein Your name is Akira.
he he his sein His name is Noah.
she she her ihr Her name is Nina.
it it its sein Its name is Rocky.
we we our unser Our school is Adderbury High School.
you you your euer Your T-shirts are nice.
they they their ihr Noah is their son.

⚠️ Beachte, auf deutsch werden die Possesivpronomen an das Substantiv angepasst, z. B.

(der) Name: Mein Name ist Joyce.
(die) Tasche: Meine Tasche ist schön.