
3. Vocabulary list - Noah's birthday surprise

Understanding the text
English German In context Notes
to bake 
backen Akira's mum bakes a cake. Write something that helps you to learn.

(die) Überraschung Akira's birthday present will be a big surprise.
to wonder 
sich etwas fragen, gespannt sein Akira wonders what his present will be.
vielleicht Maybe the present will be a laptop.
to save someone 
jemanden retten Superman saves people who have a problem.
soccer boots 
(die) Fußballschuhe I score a goal with my new soccer boots.
to score a goal 
ein Tor schießen Yesterday, I scored two goals.
ganz, vollständig We go to school the whole day.
the best ... ever 
der / die / das Beste überhaupt This is the best present ever!
to hug somebody 
jemanden umarmen Nina hugs Joyce to say goodbye.
to get 
bekommen I get a cool birthday present.

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